A School Leader Tip from Kaitlyn Pettinga Middle School Assistant Principal at the International School of Panama

At the beginning of the year our academic leadership team worked together to revise the job description in an effort to better define the work of our Curriculum and Instructional Coaches. Through that process, we learned that we had so much left to clarify, align and define.
- What is our core coaching philosophy?
- Does the role look different depending on division?
- How does coaching work with supervision and evaluation?
- Do our teachers understand the role of our coaches?
School wide goals have long been the glue that keeps our academic team moving forward together but I think we realized we need more than just shared goals, we need a better system. We are excited to be partnering with AAICIS as a founding member school and look forward to using the principles of practice and conditions for instructional coaching success to help us reimagine what coaching looks like at ISP (International School of Panama).