By: Andrew Ranson
While I have specific training in a couple of different forms of coaching, I identify as someone from the “try stuff out” school of thought. I’m currently experimenting with the AAICIS Conditions for Instructional Coaching Success to audit my school’s instructional coaching program.
The Conditions of Success is a list of 13 conditions with definitions that are needed in a school for a sustainable instructional coaching program. I am using each of the conditions to evaluate the pieces of the existing structure in our school. I have all the data from being in this role for two years. These Conditions have given me a framework that makes it easy to report where things are currently. For each category, I offer 2-4 bullet points of recommendations for the school to “keep” or “grow.” All the recommendations aim to move the program to ongoing sustainability.
I hope that the final version of this audit will be accessible to anyone who cares to read it. I like that this format also communicates that this is ongoing collaborative work, not the responsibility of the coach(es). It would be a surprise for someone to read it and think that a successful coaching program is any one person’s responsibility.
I’m still “trying it out,” and I welcome conversations about how the Conditions of Success are being used in other schools to strengthen instructional coaching programs.