Aaron Shelby, AAICIS’ Curriculum Team Lead, gives us a quick look at AAICIS’s instructional coaching Principles of Practice. The Principles prioritize a holistic approach to supporting coaching in practice.
- Partnership forms the foundation, emphasizing collaborative relationships built on trust and mutual respect between coaches and those they partner with.
- Knowledge serves as a cornerstone, ensuring coaches possess deep pedagogical understanding and stay abreast of current educational research.
- Reflection is encouraged at every stage, promoting continuous improvement through thoughtful self-assessment and feedback.
- Data-driven decision-making underpins effective coaching, with coaches using evidence to tailor support to individual needs.
- Growth is both the goal and the mindset process, with which coaches guide teachers in setting and achieving meaningful objectives for themselves and their students.
- Collaboration is central, recognizing that the collective effort among all parties yields greater results than individually.
- A systems-oriented approach acknowledges the interconnectedness of various educational and organizational components, advocating for systemic progress to enhance teaching and learning experiences for all.
Join us to learn more about what these principles can look like for you.